Featured Articles
"Knüpfwerk": the students from the Magnificat Institute at the Austrian interreligious camp
Knüpfwerk – Szenen aus dem (echten) Leben
The various press articles display the diversity and influence of the projects and work of The Upper Room. Since The Upper Room operates in Austria and India the articles come from different newspapers and channels and are of different languages.
All Articles
"Knüpfwerk": the students from the Magnificat Institute at the Austrian interreligious camp
Knüpfwerk – Szenen aus dem (echten) Leben
Interreligiöses Camp mit Hiob-Musical
Interkulturelle und interreligiöse Begegnung für Jugendliche
"Knüpfwerk": Interreligiöses Camp mit Hiob-Musical in Kärnten
Beim interreligiösen „Knüpfwerk“ treffen einander Jugendliche aus Deutschland, Österreich und Israel/Palästina.
Assam stages Bible musical to combat drug use among children
Church in Arunachal Pradesh urges young people to go to school for a better future
National Youth Day with a Musical on Job by Dropouts in Arunachal Pradesh
International Youth Day celebrated
School dropouts stage musical on National Youth Day