Being heard. Room for new sounds. Just be
We´re inviting children and their parents to an open space where they can come as they are. Lots of people had to flee their countries due to war and instability in their homes. We want to embrace people with their often traumatic experiences to find a safe space to express their feelings, connect with others and to just play as kids together.
Want to support us?
We´re looking for:
Additional locations (1-2rooms) for 20-25 children, optional: cooking facilities, minimum 1x per week
Volunteers with experience in working with children (ideally with a background in social work, psychology, music therapy, dance, pedagogy)
Donations: art supplies, brushes, pencils, crafting supplies, games, balls, sports equipment, etc.
Donations for this project to
The Upper Room Iban: AT61 3258 5000 0859 1133
Purpose of donation: Anstimmen
for tax deductibility Jugend Eine Welt - The Upper Room Iban: AT82 3600 0018 0002 4000